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Belvoir to Relaunch MaryJanesFarm

Media Week, March 17, 2008
By Lucia Moses

The lifestyle magazine focuses on the environment and the farm-centric life of namesake founder MaryJane Butters, with a spring issue.
Belvoir Media Group will relaunch MaryJanesFarm, a lifestyle magazine focused on environment and the farm-centric life of namesake founder MaryJane Butters, with a spring issue. The title will guarantee a rate base of 100,000.

Belvoir will publish MaryJanesFarm four times in 2008 and six times in 2009, with the aim of growing the rate base to 300,000 to 400,000 in three years, said John Pagliaro, who has publishing responsibility for MaryJanesFarm along with Belvoir sister title Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion.

Butters published nine issues of the magazine on her own before approaching Belvoir to take it over, the company said. Aimed at health-conscious, environmentally aware women ages 25-49, the title will target makers of organic food, clothes and personal care products to advertise; Organic Valley Coop is a launch advertiser.

MaryJane Butters Guns for Organic DIYers

Media Buyer Planner, March 18, 2008

Belvoir Media Group will publish MaryJanesFarm - an organic-focused lifestyle magazine based on the work, knowledge and real-life, everyday events taking place on MaryJane Butters’ organic farm in the Palouse region of Idaho.
Butters will be the editorial director of the magazine, which will launch with the spring 2008 issue.
MaryJane Butters is an icon of the organic movement and the pursuit of simpler living, according to Belvoir. From her farm, she sells 60 different organic prepared foods and, in addition to MaryJanesFarm magazine, also shares the message of simple organic living with readers of her books, syndicated newspaper column, and on and
Butters also designs and sells her own line of organic linens in close to 300 department stores and is the creator of Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made), an organization that employs rural women who sew totes, quilts, dolls, and more.
MaryJanesFarm will produce four issues during 2008 and begin bi-monthly publication in 2009.
“We’re going to be in a lot of marketers' sweet spot, particularly for products that have wellness benefits, that speak to our readers’ lifestyles and are from genuine organic and green product lines,” said John Pagliaro, Publisher of MaryJanesFarm magazine.



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